Pope Francis received in audience Teddy Reno, Rita Pavone and their two sons, Alex and Giorgio, on the 16th of december 2015, just the day before Holy Father’s Birthday, the Trio Tregenerazionale, formed by Teddy reno (89 years), Sylvia Pagni (48 years) and Elisa Riccitelli (20years), with a children’s choir were invited to sing “Uno come noi”, a song written to celebrate Pope Frances, with musics by Sylvia Pagni, and words by Teddy Reno. testo di Teddy Reno dal titolo “UNO COME NOI”.
The new Trio Tregenerazionale, is unique in the world for the fact that he joind three generation and they had the honor to perform live the song “UNO COME NOI” , a song written to demonstrate that the Pope appears just like one of us, a true friend, a humble person.
Music of the song is build up by swing and tango, expecially this one is a kind of music beloved by the Holy Father.
Pope Francis himself suggested to teddy Reno : “The nest time we’ll meet, I want you sto sing me a true Argentine Tango”, and that’s how “Uno Come Noi” took life. Pope Francis appreciated the choise of the children’s choir from the Church in Scerne di Pineto in Abruzzo, directed by father Janusz Szmigielski.
The success was great. Pope Francis appreciated Sylvia Pagni’s accordion, Elisa Riccitelli’s voice and Teddy Reno Himself.